There were quick drinks and there were
Strong young lads, not molly-coddled but
Fathered into embracing the sounds
Of steel hitting greased concrete...meanwhile
Upstage, this statue of aluminium rung through and
Shuddered the soul, tapped into the hours of torment, sent
Me out into a felicitious climate
It was one of them, when she was peeved she looked
Seriously ugly and when she smiled she was beautiful
On display and in combat
Maybe a stepping stone?
No...deffo, time to get-a-going
Drastic, has to happen for the soul's tormented
Passage through its earthly existance
You will fight the natural curvature of the spine
With a stooped anger, you will find me in the matroneum
You will lose your eyesight by not looking
At what you really want to look at
This is doin' my nut in...i sit with
Virtuosos and read about ordinary folk
I sit with ordinary folk and read about
Young Tony
Young young Tony
Now there was someone with a divine grip on life
I understood this
I understand this when I witness the
Tolerance of people...for people
I get it when I indulge in the all-male dining clubs of
The Basque lands
I should check this man out for I have
A connection...of sorts
Whether I like it or not
You have to rise and you have to rise above it
I saw my Love rise into the caverns on a night
When heads were cocked to one side
To display attention...this was not genuine
But was very necessary for
I am older
I am nobody
I am waiting
I know
Un peu
Un peu
Un petit peu
To display attention...this was not genuine
But was very necessary for
I am older
I am nobody
I am waiting
I know
Un peu
Un peu
Un petit peu
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