Granted an intervention, next up...no-one
No-one with a small scratch
Adrenalin is a wonderful thing until its
Absence in the days following
With minds, weapons, guns and tools...oh yeah and tee-shirts
Rough, all rough and yeast-free
Investigate, investigate, investigate
You have a deft touch
Fleet of foot
So do I, I am triangular also
As I stand in front of the stone fox
During a trip to Japan
He could not bring himself
To hold the hand of the beautiful girl
He could not bring himself
To put his arms around the most beautiful girl
This is salvage of some kind...pain still here
Like swing 'n hip-hop...hip-hop from the Republic
Of Ireland, or like
When you know and someone else simply does not
Tomorrow, there will be no hope
In my life...nor in any twenty-four hour shift
I am fully booked
Stuffed fully on pak-choi and with a scruffy jumper
Worn with Love
Julian oozes self-belief and speaks common sense
He photographs trees...they bleed dry
Their inflammable resins await a dry, hot wind
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