Dancin' with a beauty from
Barcelona, this really cost me
He's not possessive...enough
Go up in flames
This is fifty odd quid according to the
Coventrians who manouver
Is it cold enough for yer?
Great rain songs
I am not eligible, thoughts
On the back of insurance
Documents, paranoid
Time after time, this was
The other one
Great rain songs
This ticket will be the making of
Me, bovver girl
Me, outrageous vatican hoodie
Me, vatican outrageous
Mine eyes
Crossed out
Mine eyes extreme
Mine eyes supreme
Bounce between the two and go
Go somewhere else, bitch
I'm barred from the railway
My hands are bleeding
Go home
Loud music
Thai specialities
The new retail outlet's
Carrier bags, made of paper now
Seem smaller
It is a house after all
Quite unique
Associated with all the wrong things
Seventy five years of the world service has done
Nothin' for me
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