Air, big time
Eager to learn
Yearning to know
Saints into the sea
Rubbing the back of this thing
A woman that is
Dance and floor
Fall over
Fall over and now for the father
If you dare
Problems still with the wife?
More so than the onset of varicose veins
Just getting into my stride
Sabotage and
Attacked in cars by
She she she
Sits next to me
What to do but talk about cross-discipline and
Sportsmanship doesn't exist and you
Were too enthusiastic last night
Rejected on all levels, I will set
Fire to the houses of slavers and run away by
The light of them
They produce pollards and they lop the dreams
Of the poor as a pastime
Despite this, I will shed tears even when
Turned to stone
These months are stark
Hollering women and ranting men
As to where, why and when
Oh God, who knows?
Tee-shirts that explain the pain
Of everday life and
Holistic treatments that will have me
Sporting a lava medallion
And then there were more Polish people
They were nice and so blew your theories outta'
The window
For the kindness and hospitality and the free
Seat...thank you
I remember Ken and his family and the people who
Went out of their way
For once, i'm in control
Then i'm not
I know people who are just like me, but I look
Straight past them
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