There is a family that merely functions
Meanwhile my papers lie close to my heart
Like gloves worn on a long journey through
The boredom of a long poisonous night
A girl called Nicky from Sunderland says everbody
Is looking at me and chuckling
Back and forth and a child-like scrawl
Small small small
Killed by a once good neighbour, tribal differences and privet
Heights...matter of fact
I'm floating about like a boogaloo bad boy
An old adversary is under the damp duvet most nights
Wishing again to be in Leeds, or walking the
Cowley Road
There, I was visible
There, I was rude
Three...oh, three is a complicated number so I will
Touch base, I will phone you
My fondness for Runcorn/Widnes is
Tainted by gafiraphobia
So goodnight and God bless, I am leaving for a town by the name
Of just trying to make a living
Before I leave of course, I will let battle commence
Between my toothbrush for a sword and the
Food dragons
I am off my trolley me...mad
It is for this reason that I still frequent attendance
Points in a variety of cycles
Box C every second week is my current fave
Touch me to start, Lisbon is a lonely place
No grub and efficiency within the council chamber
Wrong place at the wrong time of day
I will depart for the right place at the wrong time of day
I am covered in warts
I am in demand
I am grateful for the trip down south and for
The hospitality and I show this
I show this with a look around historic
Warwick where poppers taken by droppers and shoppers
Wear white on sporting pink bodies
Elegant in no department and a true package
Unacceptable and aggrieved
I wear suede to remind me of this
To remind me of this I wear suede
They are somehow interlinked as I demand
The presence of cherubs to assist me as I tread on
Shakey ground which can be found in a quadrant of a self-made
Crop circle where people don't even stifle yawns and where
Two six-footers check out each other's labels
I have a limited imagination as I spend some quality time
With the runny-nosed pensioner
But not to worry, I have a pensioner's body as well
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