Scorekeeping, this is vital for the one about to drop
To the floor...double ten, treble four
The cheap stuff contributes at least to
Some aerobic exercise
Don't leave me high and dry
With the joiners, i anticipate
Injuries sustained, it is a frightening prospect
It is the last chance saloon where to eat with
Others can sometimes be off-putting
Sometimes not, this page is at once
Visible...asked about it, i dismiss
It and change the subject
Really i do
The sweating under helmets is
Now profuse, the spelling of the word coccyx
Is challenging me at this moment, as is the
Idea of a friend acting as matchmaker, she wants me to
Be as happy as her, as lucky in Love
I am i, watching the childhood
Scatter, the builder is happy
His job is cock-on, superb
I remember feelings of job satisfaction also
Happy as larry, will never marry, it
Brought similar lump-in-throat moments
Has done for many i suspect, unlike
The enquiry into the fleur-de-lys
Patterned wallpaper, this is
A complete failure, he questions my place of
Birth on hearing my accent and wrongly
Guesses that it is across waters
His world is alien to me, it is
La de da
La de da
La de da, but
I will rise, i will...to the F-layer
We have momentum here and a
Science worth nice evenings
The decision-making is pretty bad right now
The clapperboard clock reads eighteen ten
The staff here attempt to clarify their respective
Whereabouts at this time last night
Directions to other drinking dens are discussed also
The mornings are acidic
The mornings are acidic here
I lose myself as i always have
In the contrails
Where i used to live, they could be found
In the same places with
The runners and with the closed cathedral
With the prolific and with the jobsworths
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