Put a bit extra in, a hundred and
Ten percent
A certain kinda' light
Shines in the bull-shit corner
DJ Steve also does phone
Unlocking for a fiver
We purchase celebration cakes because
You're just too good to be true, my two least
Favourite types of music...country and western...
Are demonstrated to me
Yet again, seventy plus games of
Connect four in three long
Long hours, counting the days
Is agreed between friends to
Be not the best way to feel
'Tis true, the one consolation here is
The mention of
As for the coach party, it is
Decision time
I catch the end of a joke, i would
Pay twenty pounds for them to
Leave ten minutes early
This was a...what i thought was
A good joke
It mixed itself amongst other
Jokes about steeplejacks and other such people
Who are lost in their own diamond days
There was one guy who was absolutely rotten...kept
Saying he was the best in the business
Or rather, the besht in the bishnesh
A singer with a double-barrelled surname
I felt a bit sorry for him actually
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