Egyptian Death and early India, the
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On a nightmarish dual carriageway i am, it is here
That i pinch my own leg in frustration
I haven't settled in since
Army careers is a distinct
Possibility, aching spines in a dozen
Or so languages, this is not the
First time i've been stood up and let down
At the same time, that i've ridden
The clutch
Can you imagine?
Someone sleeping through a deadline
And one which has given you a glimpse of
Pear trees and cleared the path to make
Phone calls to Mongolians...children in
London and throat singers come to mind
Not to mention a food-free morning
This follows on indeed from a sleepless
Night, noisy sex from
Noisy nurses...fully charged for
Five weeks, just five weeks
For pretty pretty
Beetroot...or whatever her name is
I've just been informed of a bullshit rule
I'm angry, threatened with the
Sack, i understand nothing
But one day will, i have to be
More sensible
More sensible
More sensible
This unseasonal weather is so so
People are heavy with broken promises
How many more arses today?
She is dancing for me in
Urgent August and
Cancellation, hard woman
Intelligent but teacher?
Close but no cigar
Of bad weather, this very
Alternative heavy meal
Heavy to carry...oh well
All on double-sided
Greedy guts
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