Wirral, whirlpool-driven people
I'll invite yer 'round...i will
Bite me...i did but felt the twinge inside
Lucky bleeder...up to my eyes in aunties and flat-nosed
Scallies, other celebrities
Fetching jackets, fetching and unstitching fucking hooded
Hey vicious
Hollows follows on from two
Buttons being disappeared...like in the dirty
Have you seen him...he owes me money?
Speaking of ownership...did you ever find a seat so
Easy to sit upon?
Buff blue patter
Charcoal grey matter
I will care for you...graduate
I will care for thee...beast
Take me east
A Lancashire road, any road
Most important
A political blog is lost in a fog...who thought
Of this?
Sniff...blimey, I will return one day
To rooftops more inaccessible then yours
Been there already
In my own little way
Remember, you'll have the runs for days
Remember, try minus triumph equals 'umph
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